Convergence of dimension elevation algorithms : only a typical CAGD issue ?   (pdf)

Approximation of algebraic functions by rational functions (on functional analogues of the Diophantine approximants)   (pdf)

Approximating Riemannian Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay triangulations   (pdf)

Convex representation fo curvature dependent functionals  (pdf)

A proximal algorithm for third order tensor decomposition and application to fluorescence spectroscopy   (pdf)

Christoffel-Darboux-type formulae for orthonormal rational functions   (pdf)

Rational interpolation of analytic functions   (pdf)

Shortest path embeddings of graphs on surfaces   (pdf)

Multilevel quadratic spline quasi-interpolation and application to numerical integration   (pdf)

Products of random matrices: explicit formulas and asymptotics   (pdf)

Inverse potential problems for elliptic PDE, with physical applications   (pdf)

Using Generalized B-splines in Isogeometric Analysis   (pdf)

Nonlinear Dynamics, High dimension Data, and Persistent Homology   (pdf)

Transferring Information across Image and Model Collections   (pdf)

The Shannon Total Variation   (pdf)

Statistical methods for high-dimensional function approximation in tree-based tensor formats   (pdf)

Estimates in Best Polynomial Approximation on the Unit Ball   (pdf)

Multi-degree smooth polar splines: a framework for design and analysis   (pdf)

Using machine learning techniques in geometric modeling   (pdf)

X-rank and identifiability for a polynomial decomposition model   (pdf)

CLEAR: Covariant Least-Square Re-fitting   (pdf)