- Matthew Adamson (Universität Osnabruck)
Anticipating critical transitions of chaotic attractors through boundary crises (pdf)
- Clément Aldebert (Aix-Marseille Université)
Structural sensitivity: predator-prey models to food webs, through Dynamic Energy Budget theory (pdf)
- Korinna T Allhoff (UPMC Paris)
Evolutionary responses of ecosystems to climate warming – insights from a food web model approach (pdf)
- Virgile Baudrot (Université de Franche-Comté)
Effects of host diversity and complex foraging on the dynamics of trophically transmitted parasites (pdf)
- Ludek Berec (Biology Centre CAS & University of South Bohemia)
Sexually transmitted infections, MATING and mate-finding Allee effect (pdf)
- Fabio Chalub (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
Regularity and time-inhomogeneity in the Wright-Fisher dynamics (pdf)
- Dorian Collot (Université Paris Sud)
A modelingstudyto explore how selectedtraits mayaffect fitness in Saccharomyces cerevisiaebatch culture (pdf)
- Yves Dumont ( CIRAD Montpellier)
On Vector-borne plant diseases (pdf)
- Els Heinsalu (National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics Tallinn)
Spatial clustering of interacting random walkers (pdf)
- Bob W. Kooi (University of Amsterdam)
Modeling, singular perturbation and bifurcation analyses of bitrophic food chains dynamics including canard explosion (pdf)
- Frédéric M. Hamelin (Université de Rennes)
The evolution of plant virus transmission pathways (pdf)
- Marjorie Haond (INRA ISA, UNICE)
Habitat quality and the velocity of spatial population expansion (pdf)
- Alexey Kolobov (Far Eastern Branch of the Russian academy of Science)
Simulation of the effects of different types disturbances on the mixed forest stands dynamics (pdf)
- Henri Laurie (University of Cape Town)
Periodic solutions for a model of rotational stocking in a seasonally driven grazing system (pdf)
- Mark Lewis (Alberta University)
Towards a general theory for modelling animal movement patterns in ecology (pdf)
- MJ Lopez-Herrero (Complutense University of Madrid)
Studying behavior before absorption in stochastic epidemic models: Quasi-stationary and Ratio of Expectations distributions (pdf)
- Pierre Magal (Université de Bordeaux)
Final size of an epidemic for a two group SIR model (pdf)
- Marco Patriarca (National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics Tallinn)
Diversity Emerging from the Interplay between Dispersal and Competition (pdf)
- Natalia Petrovskaya (University of Birmingham)
Catching ghosts with a coarse net: real and imaginary effects in ecological monitoring routine based on sparse sampling (pdf)
- Sergei Petrovskii (University of Leicester)
Mathematical Modelling of Plankton-Oxygen Dynamics under the Climate Change (pdf)
- Alain Rapaport (Université de Montpellier)
About mathematical modelling for microbial ecosystems with control and design perspectives (pdf)
- Oksana L. Revutskaya (FEB RAS, Birobidzhan, Russia)
Discrete two-sex age-structured models of population dynamics: stability, multistability, and chaos (pdf)
- Tobias Rogge (TU Darmstadt)
Evolution of Network Structure and Species Diversity in an Evolutionary Foodweb Model (pdf)
- Max O. Souza (Universidade Federal Fluminense)
On Aedes, Wolbachia and the Control of Urban Arboviruses (pdf)
- Tatjana Thiel (TU Darmstadt)
Species Diversity in Coupled Habitats: Going Beyond Homogeneous and Deterministic Models (pdf)
- Oksana Zhdanova (IACP FEB RAS)
Estimating the survival rate of Northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) on different stage of its lifecycle based on long-term observations of Tyuleniy herd (pdf)
Announcement MPDE 2017 (pdf)