- Philippe Biane (Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne)
Characters of symmetric groups, combinatorics and free probability (pdf)
Pitman’s Theorem, Random matrices and crystals (pdf)
- Piotr Sniady (Polish Academy of Sciences)
Jeu de taquin and asymptotic representation theory (lecture 1A) (lecture 1B) (lecture 2A) (lecture 2B)
Long talks
- Jean Christophe Aval (Université de Bordeaux)
Rectangular Parking Functions (pdf)
- Ghislain Fourier (University of Glasgow)
Linear degenerations of flag varieties (pdf)
- Myungho Kim (Kyung Hee University in Seoul, South Korea
Center of Walled Brauer algebra and the Supersymmetric polynomials (pdf)
- Petra Schwer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Studying Affine Deligne Lusztig varieties via folded galleries in buildings (pdf)
Short talks
- Eirini Chavli (Université Picardie Jules Verne)
The BMR freeness conjecture (pdf)
- Thomas Gerber (RWTH Aachen)
Triple crystal structure for Fock spaces (pdf)