- Paolo Aniello (University of Naples Federico II)
Square integrable representations, an invaluable tool: from coherent states to quantum mechanics on phase space (pdf)
- Isiaka Aremua (Université de Lomé, Togo)
su (1,1) coherent states for Landau levels: Physical and mathematical description (pdf)
- Benjanmin Bahr (University of Hamburg)
Renormalization in spin foam quantum gravity with coherent states (pdf)
- Hervé Bergeron (Université Paris-Sud)
Affine Coherent State Quantization and Quantum Cosmology (pdf)
- Marcin Bownik (Polish Academy of Sciences)
Lyapunov Theorem for continuous frames (pdf)
- Giulio Chiribella (The University of Hong Kong)
New applications of coherent states in quantum information theory (pdf)
- Evaldo M. F. Curado (Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas, Rio de Janeiro
Construction of linear and nonlinear coherent states using GHA (pdf)
- Ewa Czuchry (University of Warsaw)
Regularised Bianchi IX potential (pdf)
- Ingrid Daubechies (Duke University)
Phase retrieval in infinite dimensions (pdf)
- Stéphan De Bièvre (Université de Lille 1)
Entanglement of quantum circular states of light (pdf)
- Mariano del Olmo (University of Valladolid)
SU (1,1) Covariant integral quantization of the unit disk (pdf)
- Viktor Dodonov (University of Brasilia)
Coherent and minimum energy states of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field (pdf)
- Michaël Fanuel (KU Leuven)
Coherent states, Support Vector Machines and function estimation (pdf)
- Hartmut Führ (RWTH Aachen)
Wavelet Approximation Theory in Higher Dimensions (pdf)
- Andreas Fring (City University London)
Minimal lenghts, areas and volumes in noncommutative quasi-Hermitian systems (pdf)
- Katarzyna Górska (Polish Academy of Sciences)
Hermite polynomials in two complex variables Mathematical properties (pdf)
- Julio Guerrero (University of Murcia)
Non-Hermitian coherent states for finite-dimensional systems (pdf)
- Brian Hall (University of Notre-Dame)
Coherent state transforms for compact groups, and their large-N limits (pdf)
- Andrzej Horzela (Polish Academy of Sciences)
Hermite polynomials in two complex variables (pdf)
- Véronique Hussin (Université de Montréal)
Coherent states for supersymmetric partners of solvable systems (pdf)
- Alain Joye (Université Grenoble Alpes)
Representations of CCR describing infinite coherent states (pdf)
- John Klauder (University of Florida)
Enhanced Quantization: The Right Way to Quantize Everything (pdf)
- Przemysław Małkiewicz (Université Paris Diderot & University Warsaw)
Coherent states in a study of time problem (pdf)
- Ugo Moschella (Università degli Studi dell’Insubria)
Two dimensional de Sitter spinors and their SL (2,R) covariance (pdf)
- Zouhaïr Mouayn (Sultan Moulay Slimane University)
Orthogonal polynomials attached to coherent states for the symmetric Pöschl-Teller oscillator (pdf)
- Anatol Odzijewicz (University of Bialystok)
Classical and quantum Kummer shape algebras (pdf)
- Robert Oeckl (UNAM)
Fermionic coherent states in infinite dimensions (pdf)
- Barry Sanders (University of Calgary)
Spacetime replication of continuous-variable quantum information (pdf)
- Dey Sanjib (Université de Montréal)
Higher order squeezing of noncommutative q-photon-added coherent states (pdf)
- Michael Speckbacher (Acoustics Research Institute, Vienna)
Reproducing pairs and Gabor systems at critical density (pdf)
- Mauro Spera (UCSC Brescia)
Geometric aspects of coherent states (pdf)
- Franciszek Szafraniec (Jagiellonian University Krakow)
The anatomy of coherent states (pdf)
- Kengatharam Thirulogasanthar (Concordia University)
Coherent state quantization and the Heisenberg uncertainty relation in the quaternionic setting (pdf)
- Felix Voigtlaender (TU Berlin)
Shearlets: Theory, applications and generalizations (pdf)
- Apostol Vourdas (University of Bradford)
Coherent spaces, Boolean rings and their applications (pdf)
- Karol Zyczkowski (Jagiellonian University Krakow)
Finite dimensional Hilbert space: Spin Coherent, Basis Coherent and Anti-coherent states (pdf)