Théorie spectrales des nouveaux matériaux
18 au 22 avril 2016

Un progrès remarquable réalisé récemment dans la production de nouveaux matériaux a soulevé des questions mathématiques importantes. Le but de l’atelier proposé est de relever ces défis. Nous prévoyons de porter à des mathématiciens de différentes origines avec des physiciens pour examiner les nouvelles orientations ainsi potentiels dans ce domaine, en mettant l’accent sur les nano-matériaux (comme les nanotubes de carbone, graphène, graphynes, etc.), métamatériaux (y compris les cristaux photoniques et l’invisibilité « cloaking ») et isolants topologiques.

Comité scientifique

Jean Bellissard (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Pavel Exner (Czech Academy of Sciences)
Motoko Kotani (AIMR Japan)

Ari Laptev (Imperial College London)
Graeme Milton (University of Utah)

Pavel Exner (Czech Academy of Sciences)
Motoko Kotani (AIMR Japan)
Peter Kuchment (Texas A&M University)
Valentin A. Zagrebnov (Aix-Marseille Université)


  • Claude Amra (Aix-Marseille Université) & Michel Bellieud (Université de Montpellier)

Heat flow with thermal metamaterials

Effective medium theory to mimic the fields scattered by metallic particles with insulators

Uniqueness for an inverse problem in electromagnetism with partial data

Heat kernel estimates on arbitrary Riemannian manifolds

From the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics to AC-Conductivity Measures of
Interacting Fermions in Disordered Media

Asymptotic behaviour of the spectra of systems of Maxwell equations in periodic composite media with high contrast

Topological nature of the Fu-Kane-Mele invariants

Metamaterials, transformation optics for waves engineering

Overdamping in gyroscopic systems composed of high-loss and lossless components

Discrete diffraction managed solitons: Threshold phenomena and rapid decay for general nonlinearities

Mechanical Metamaterials

Twisted equivariant K-theory and topological phases

Rigorous Analogies Between Quantum Systems and Certain Wave Equations

Spectrum of the Neumann-Poincaré operator  and plasmon resonance

Topological and invisible photonic crystals

Electronic quantum optics with quantum Hall edge channels and topological insulators

Gysin maps and bulk-edge correspondence

Material-dictated upper bounds for scattering response in linear systems

Stability of Frustration-Free Ground States of Quantum Spin Systems

Scattering matrix and Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps

Applications and stabilities of negative index materials

A discrete surface theory on 3-valent graphs embedded in 3-dimensional Euclidean space

Emergent anyons in quantum Hall physics

Spectrally embedded bound states for quantum graphs

Analyticity of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann Map for Maxwell’s Equations in
Passive Composite Media

Negative refraction in a laminate

Comité d’organisation