18 au 22 mai 2015
Cette conférence porte sur les interactions entre l’arithmétique, la géométrie algébrique et les sciences de l’information et de la communication et plus particulièrement le codage et la cryptologie.
Les thèmes abordés seront: |
Comité scientifique & Comité d’organisation
Alp Bassa (University of Bogazici)
On idempotent quadratic functions and the weight distribution of subcodes of Reed-Muller codes
An Analogue of Vosper’s Theorem for Extension Fields
Valuations of Exponential Sums, Congruences for L-Functions, and
Computing $L$-functions of superelliptic curves
An upper bound on the number of points of a projective variety and a proof of a conjecture of Ghorpade and Lachaud
Of Kisin varieties and Galois deformation rings
Class Formula in Positive Characteristic
Algebraic Curves with Many Rational Points over Non-Prime Finite Fields
Tsfasman-Boguslavsky Conjecture for Polynomial Systems
Computing Discrete logarithms in GF(p n): Practical Improvement of the Individual Logarithm Step
Weil Bounds of Higher Orders
An Analogue of a Theorem of Tallini on Plane Curves over Finite Fields
Polarizations on E x E and genus-4 curves with many points
Towards maximal singular curves over finite fields
A Simplified Setting for Discrete Logarithms in Small Characteristic Finite Fields
On double sparse compressed sensing via coding theory and its different applications
Bounding Brill-Noether loci over finite fields, with applications to Jacobian arithmetic
On extremal traces and RM in genus 2
On the Number of Points of Algebraic Sets over Finite Fields
A new hard problem? (Ring) Learning With Errors
Covariant Algebra of the Binary Nonic and the Binary Decimic
An Introduction to Rigid Cohomology
Structural Cryptanalysis of McEliece Schemes with Algebraic Geometry Codes
Estimates on the Number of Rational Points of Singular Complete Intersections over a Finite Field and Applications
AG Codes from Restriction of Vector Bundles to Divisors
Some developments on towers over cubic finite fields
Power Decoding of Hermitian One-Point Codes in Sub-Quadratic Time
Bad Reduction of Genus Three Curves with Complex Multiplication
Graph based strategy to exhibit good recursive towers
Algebraic cycles on varieties over finite fields
A new proof of a Thomae like-formula for non hyperelliptic genus 3 curves
Character theory and Sato-Tate groups
Branches and Descent
Slightly more practical quantum factoring through number theory
Adelic points of elliptic curves
New results on class numberone problem for function fields
Generators of the group of modularunits
Computing the image of Galois representations attached to elliptic curves
On the Torsion-Limit for Algebra Function Fields
Construction of genus two curve starting from their invariants in characteristic 5
Field extensions and index calculus on algebraic curve
Locally recoverable codes on algebraic curves
Conférenciers |