Spectre de graphes aléatoires
4 au 8 janvier 2016 The spectral analysis of matrices defined on deterministic or random graphs is a topic which attracts a growing attention in various branches of mathematics, computer science and theoretical physics. The motivation comes from many distinct directions: random matrices, random Schrödinger operators, quantum ergodicity, countable groupsor expander graphs with an emphasis either on eigenvalues or eigenvectors
Comité scientifique & Comité d’organisation Charles Bordenave (Université de Toulouse)
Quantum ergodicity on large graphs
Spectral measures of factor of i.i.d. processes on the regular tree
A comparison of mixing times of the simple and non-backtracking random walks on random graphs with given degrees
On some problems and techniques in spectral geometry
Quantum chaos and random matrices
Eigenvalues, Expected Traces, and Expected Zeta Func-tions of Random Graphs
Connections between colorings in random graphs and digraphs
Does diffusion determine the geometry of a graph?
Local eigenvalues statistics for random regular graphs
Dyson’s spike in random Schrödinger operators
Spectra of Random Stochastic Matrices and Relaxation in Complex Systems
Concentration and regularization of random graphs
Free probability and random graphs
Non-backtracking spectrum of random graphs: community detection and non-regular Ramanujan graphs
Deviation inequalities and CLT for random walks on
Spectra of large diluted but bushy random graphs
Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem and Spectrally Thin Trees
The Poisson Voronoi tessellation in hyperbolic space
Random irregular graphs are nearly Ramanujan
The cutoff phenomenon for random walk on random directed graphs
The Wegner orbital model
On the limit approach to random regular graphs
Invertibility of the adjacency matrix of a random Conférenciers |